Blink for better Vision and healthier eyes : Blinking is an essential function of the eye that helps spread tears across and removes irritants such as dust and germs from the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva. Frequent and gentle blinking is essential for maintaining healthy eyes and optimal vision because it allows eyelids to keep eyes coated with beneficial layers of tears: Normally, a person blinks 12-15 times per minute. When we read, watch TV or look at the computer screen we blink up to 60% less. Infrequent blinking may cause eye strain, fatigue and even some unpleasant dry eye symptoms.
Life has its own way to flow. No one can control the flow but one thing we can ensure that our life can be fruitful to other, जीना इसी का नाम है ! I will try to share my small knowledge which I earned over a period of last 40 years with a view that experience and learning will help you some where in your life.