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Showing posts from May, 2015


Most of us become parents by simple biological process. But more often we are not mentally, physically or emotionally prepared to become good parents. Ideally “GOOD PARENTING” starts from the time couple decides to have a child. The couple should have “ गर्भपूर्व   संस्कार  “& “ गर्भ   संस्कार   “ All of us know the story of Abhimanu learning how to enter into “ चक्रव्युव ”  while still in mother’s womb. This proves that if the couple & especially the mother are happy throughout her pregnancy the physical & mental development of the child is excellent. Mother should listen to devotional music, should read devotional books to have well ‘’ संस्कार ’’ on the fetus. It has been scientifically proved that the fetus loves Santur & especially  राग   यमन . When the couple decides to have a child mother should start folic acid tablets which are essential for development of nervous system of the fetus. Similarly, if the relati...

Father’s instructions for life

Compliment three people each day. Watch a Sunrise at least once a year. Look people in the eye. Say “Thank You “a lot. Live beneath your means. Buy whatever kids are selling. Treat everyone you meet as you want to be treated. Donate your blood 4 times a year. Make new friends but cherish the old ones. Keep secrets. Be brave, Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. Choose a charity in your community & support it generously with your time & money. When facing a difficult task, act as though, it is impossible to fail. Don’t agree to many things at once. Learn to say “NO” politely & quickly. Never underestimate the power of FORGIVENESS. Instead of using the word PROBLEM ,try substituting the word OPPORTUNITY. Never walk out on a quarrel with your wife. Regarding  furniture & clothes , if you think you will be using them for five years or longer, buy the b...