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Showing posts from 2015

Simple tips for relief from cold

Simple tips for relief from cold: In winter it is common to wake up with a scratchy throat and stuffy nose. The old saying "It takes three days to develop a cold, three days to have it, and three days for it to go away," is pretty accurate, so if your cold has lasted longer than around nine days or have high fever it is time to consult your doctor.  Here are some simple tips to get relief from cold . Ø   Steam inhalation therapy is a simple and effective remedy for sinus congestion, sinus pain, respiratory       ailments due to allergies, common cold, influenza and bronchitis. It rids you of any cold bugs hanging out in your nose as well as clearing up your nasal passages. Ø   Drink plenty of fluid to keep yourself hydrated. Ø   Take adequate rest: Ø   Take citrus fruits as they are loaded with vitamin C. Ø   Do some light exercise.  

Blink for better Vision and healthier eyes

Blink for better Vision and healthier eyes : Blinking is an essential function of the eye that helps spread tears across and removes irritants such as dust and germs from the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva. Frequent and gentle blinking is essential for maintaining healthy eyes and optimal vision because it allows eyelids to keep eyes coated with beneficial layers of tears: Normally, a person blinks 12-15 times per minute. When we read, watch TV or look at the computer screen we blink up to 60% less. Infrequent blinking may cause eye strain, fatigue and even some unpleasant dry eye symptoms.

Avoid using ear buds

Earwax is a yellowish, waxy substance secreted in the ear canal. It plays an important role of assisting in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides protection from bacteria, fungi, and insects. Excess or impacted wax can press against the eardrum and/or occlude the external auditory canal and impair hearing. For cleaning wax from your ears. Use of ear buds can only serve to push the wax further down, making it more difficult for the doctor to remove it later on. Alternatively use a wax softening solution (Soliwax) or see your ENT doctor.

Social Phobia

It is an anxiety disorder characterized by a strong and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which the person might feel embarrassment or humiliation. Generalized social phobia refers to a fear of most social interactions combined with fear of most performance situations, such as speaking in public or eating in a restaurant. The symptoms of social phobia in adults include a range of physical signs of anxiety as well as attitudes and behaviors.     • blushing, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, tremors, and other physical indications of anxiety     • extreme sensitivity to criticism, rejection, or negative evaluations     • intense preoccupation with the reactions and responses of others     • heightened fears of being embarrassed or humiliated     • avoidance of the feared situation(s) and anticipatory anxiety Left untreated, social phobia can become a chronic, disabling disorder that increases the patient...

Food Sources of Antioxidant

Food Sources of Antioxidant: Foods are considered to be the preferred way of boosting antioxidant levels because they are thought to contain a wide array of antioxidant substances. Many of them are also high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Some of the sources are: Variety of dark orange, red, yellow and green vegetables and fruits and nuts, whole grains, wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, soybeans, sweet potatoes etc. are major source of antioxidant.

Major Side Effect of Insulin Injections

Insulin is probably the most used remedy for diabetes. Although insulin injections help diabetics in keeping their blood sugar levels in control, they are also known to cause certain side effects. Major side effect of insulin injections : Hypoglycemia- Hypoglycemia is a condition marked by excessively low blood glucose levels. The frequently observed signs of hypoglycemia are:  lightheadedness, sweating, increased rate of breathing and dizziness. A diabetic experiencing these symptoms should immediately have some sugar containing food item; seeking immediate medical attention is also necessary. If hypoglycemia turns too serious, it might lead to consequences like coma and even death.

How Alcohol Affects Driving?

 The three most critical skills necessary for a good, safe driver are judgment, vision and reaction. Alcohol depresses all three. Alcohol may have a different effect each time a driver drinks depending on whether the individual has eaten, what they have eaten, mood, metabolism and the level of fatigue. Even small quantities of alcohol will affect driving ability such as.. Poor judgment - You could have trouble judging both your speed and that of other vehicles. You may also have problems judging distances. Impaired vision - After drinking alcohol, drivers tend to focus on the road straight ahead and avoid what is happening in their side vision. Poor coordination - You may have trouble doing more than one thing at a time, especially in an emergency. False sense of confidence - After drinking alcohol, you may feel more confident. But in fact, you will be less able to cope with unexpected events.  

Add Garlic to your daily diet

Garlic is rich in manganese, vitamin C, and selenium. Garlic also has a medicinal action due to its phytochemicals. Garlic supports normal blood pressure and may help reduce serum cholesterol and helps prevent plaques forming in the arteries. Studies also show that garlic helps lower the incidence of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute, USA suggest that  garlic has broad anti-cancer effects throughout the body.

Long Sitting makes bottom bigger

 If you happen to sit more often you are more likely to have a bigger bottom. Experts say that the pressure put on areas of the body produces up to 50% more fat in those parts. Even people with healthy diet and exercise habits will be affected if they spend long periods sitting behind a desk. Researchers found that preadipocyte cells - the precursors to fat cells - turn into fat cells and produce even more fat when subject to prolonged periods of 'mechanical stretching loads' - the kind of weight we put on our body tissues when we sit.

Health Benefits of Carrot

Carrot contains carotene, a chemical that is converted into vitamin- A by the body which helps in preventing night blindness. It also contains Beta-carotene that protects against lung, colorectal, breast, uterine and prostate cancers. Carrots also have Sulforaphanes that boost the body’s ability to detoxify carcinogens.

Recommendation on Physical Activity

 Lack of physical activity increases your risk for heart attack and stroke and can contribute to obesity. On the other hand, regular physical activity helps to reduce blood pressure, control weight and reduce stress. For overall health benefits to the heart, lungs and circulation perform any moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity using the following guidelines of AHA (American Heart Association): Ø   Get the equivalent of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity (2 hours and 30 minutes) each week. Ø   You can incorporate your weekly physical activity with 30 minutes a day on at least 5 days a week. Ø   Physical activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week. Ø   Include flexibility and stretching exercises. Ø   Include muscle strengthening activity at least 2 days each week.    

Abdominal pain in children and diet

A study of school children in USA shows that children who eat a lot of fast food are more likely to have recurrent abdominal pain severe enough to interfere with school activities. On the other hand, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables seems to be protective. Fruits taken once a day were better frequency than once a week, fast food taken once a day was worse than once a week.

How does stress affect emotions?

How does stress affect emotions? Our body responds to stress by making stress hormones. These hormones help our body respond to situations of extreme need, such as when you are in danger. But when our body makes too many of these hormones for a long period of time, the hormones wear down our body -- and our emotions. People who are under stress a lot are often emotional, anxious, irritable and even depressed. If possible, try to change the situation that is causing stress. Relaxation methods, such as deep breathing and meditation, and exercise are useful ways to cope with stress. Make time for things you enjoy. Focus on positive things in your life.

Why learning to control anger is important?

Why learning to control anger is important? You might think that venting your anger is healthy, that the people around you are too sensitive, that your anger is justified, or that you need to show your fury to get respect. But the truth is that anger is much more likely to damage your relationships, impair your judgment, get in the way of success, and have a negative impact on the way people see you. Ø   Hurts physical health. Chronic anger makes you more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, a weakened immune system, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Ø   Hurts mental health. Chronic anger consumes huge amounts of mental energy and clouds your thinking, making it harder to concentrate; it can also lead to stress, depression, and other mental health problems. Ø   Hurts your career. Constructive criticism, creative differences, and heated debate can be healthy. But lashing out only alienates your colleagues, supervisors, or clients and erodes th...

The Nature of Anger

Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, like other human emotions. It is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when someone gets angry, heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of energy hormones, adrenaline, and nor adrenaline. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems - problems at work, in personal relationships, and in the overall quality of life. People use a variety of both conscious and unconscious processes to deal with their angry feelings. The three main approaches are expressing, suppressing, and calming. Expressing your angry feelings in an assertive—not aggressive—manner is the healthiest way to express anger.

Role of parents in managing exam Stress

Role of parents in managing exam Stress : It is the exam time and most of the students must be having tough time and may be stressed. Exam stress not only for student but for the parents also. Parents play an important role in managing exam stress of their children. Here are some simple tips for parents: Ø   Support them in their dreams rather than pressurizing them. Ø   Encourage them to talk and reassure them that you are behind them and love them whatever the results. Ø   Do not have unrealistic expectations of your children. Ø   Try to separate what you might have wished for yourself at their age from what they wish for themselves now. Ø   Be patient, understanding and always be prepared to listen to them. Ø   Ensure that children get enough sleep and proper nutrition. Ø   Allow them to play some games. Ø   Help them to avoid the typical exam-time habit of too much junk food and caffeine by providing healthy snacks.  

How emotional stress affects?

How emotional stress affects?   Emotional stress sets off a series of reactions in our body that involve our sympathetic nervous system one that is capable of providing all of the functions listed below during physical emergencies. But, there is no question that our sympathetic nervous system increases its output whenever we feel anxious, tense, frustrated, or angry. Ø   Speed up and intensify of heart and breathing rates, so that more oxygen and nutrients available to muscles. Ø   Divert the bulk of blood supply to large muscles groups. Ø   Slow or even shut down digestive system. Ø   Stimulate the release of extra glucose into blood to give a burst of energy. Ø   Cause adrenal glands to release epinephrine and norepinephrine into system to increase cardiac output. Ø   Stimulate the release of cortisol from adrenal glands to increase blood sugar and energy.  

The five key skills of emotional intelligence

Five key skills that you need to master in order to raise your emotional intelligence and manage stress at work.     • Realize when you’re stressed , recognize your particular stress response, and become familiar with sensual cues that can rapidly calm and energize you.     • Stay connected to your internal emotional experience so you can appropriately manage your own emotions. If you ignore your emotions you won’t be able to fully understand your own motivations and needs, or to communicate effectively with others.     • Recognize and effectively use the nonverbal cues that make up 95-98% of our communication process. In many cases, what we say is less important than how we say it or the other nonverbal signals we send out, such as eye contact, facial expression, tone of voice, posture, gesture and touch.      • Develop the capacity to meet challenges with humor . There is no better stress buster than a hearty laugh and nothing reduces str...

Computers and body fatigue

Computer users sometimes experience such discomfort as back pain, stiff neck and shoulders, sore hands and wrists, or tired legs. Much of this discomfort can be prevented because the symptoms often arise from pushing the body beyond its natural limits. In addition to improving the setup of your work-space, it's also important to consider your lifestyle. Healthful food, exercise, and rest can help improve your health and comfort. Seek medical assistance for any persistent discomfort. Minimize the following actions:      Sitting in awkward or twisted postures. Maintaining the same posture for too long. Using too much muscular effort, even for relatively easy tasks. Pressing on the soft tissues of your body - for example, leaning your arms against a hard desk edge. Performing repetitive tasks that require awkward body positions or forceful exertions,without allowing the body a chance to recover.

Good posture habits while computing

Besides getting regular exercise and trying to eat as healthfully as you can, you need to monitor your posture, especially at the computer and when you study. Here are a few tips to follow: Fill in the space between your back and the back of the chair : When sitting in a chair, sit straight so that the space between your lower back and the chair is no longer existent. Keep your neck, back and heels aligned : If you draw an imaginary vertical line down your back, your neck and heels should hit in the same spot, too. Keep your feet flat on the floor : Make sure you keep your feet flat on the floor when you're sitting at your  desk.   Keep your knees at a 90-degree angle when sitting : Remember to keep everything aligned. Don't tuck  your   knees in, which can make you start to hover and hunch over your keyboard.  Draw your shoulders back and relax : Draw your right shoulder, then your left shoulder back and then  down,and then take a deep breath...

Mixing Medicines Does not Always Match

Mixing Medicines Does not Always Match: Over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbal remedies, alcohol and even some foods can interact with medications. That is why you need to tell your doctor about everything you take. If you have any allergies or side effects, talk with your doctor, who may decide to change the dosage or medicine.

Shake a Leg!

Shake a Leg! : Most people over age 30 can help prevent bone loss with regular weight-bearing exercise like stair-climbing, skipping rope, playing tennis, dancing etc. This kind of exercise has a very positive effect on the bones in your legs, hips, and lower spine.

Be aware of online answers

Be aware of online answers: The Internet can be a great source of health news - but it is also cluttered with misinformation. Makers of quick-fix solutions or miracle cures prey on people with difficult health issues. So check and double-check sources before you commit to any treatment plan or spend any money on such information.

Soft drinks raise risk of metabolic Syndrome

Soft drinks raise risk of metabolic Syndrome: The link between regular soft drinks and metabolic syndrome is almost certainly connected to their high calorie and high sugar content. The calories they contain are considered "empty" calories. The high calorie content in regular soft drinks contributes directly to weight gain, with very little nutritional gain to show for those calories. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of the symptoms such as high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance which increase the risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Warning signs of back pain

Know the warning signs of back pain caused by poor ergonomics and posture. Back pain may be the result of poor ergonomics and posture if the back pain is worse at certain times of day or week (such as after a long day of sitting in an office chair in front of a computer, but not during the weekends); pain that starts in the neck and moves downwards into the upper back, lower back and extremities; pain that goes away after switching positions while sitting or standing; sudden back pain that is experienced with a new job, a new office chair, or a new car; and/or back pain that comes and goes for months. Get up and move. As muscles tire, slouching, slumping, and other poor postures become more likely; this in turn puts extra pressure on the neck and back. In order to maintain a relaxed yet supported posture, change positions frequently. One way is to take a break from sitting in an office chair every half hour for two minutes in order to stretch, stand, or walk.  

Best alternate to Soft Drink

Best alternative to Soft Drink: If soft drinks are so unhealthy than what is the best alternative if someone is looking at having something to drink outside home, try coconut water, which is not only very healthy, but also very hygienic. It is an isotonic solution which replaces the fluids and minerals that the body loses during summer. Being a natural drink without any added preservatives, the intake of coconut water does not cause any side effects. It is loaded with minerals, vitamins, nutrients, sugars and all the natural fluids required for the body. Coconut water is free of chemicals, and thus is safe for babies also.

Take Care of Your Digestive System

Take Care of Your Digestive System: A healthy body needs to be nourished by nutrients. A healthy digestive system will digest and absorb nutrients effectively. Here are some tips for maintaining healthy digestive system:  Ø  Have each meal at regular time - Have each meal more or less at a fixed time; your digestive system will               follow the timing to receive food and burn up calories. Ø   Eat less but more frequently - When you distribute your food consumption evenly your body get a boost of             energy every 3 to 4 hours. Ø   Chew your food - Sit down and eat slowly to chew each mouthful. It will help in digestion and absorption of the       food. Ø   Avoid spicy food and fried food - Eating too much fried and spicy food will hurt your digestive system. Avoid          taking food that is too hot. Ø   Maintains Hygiene - Make sure ...

Management of heat stroke

Heat stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency and the warning signs include: An extremely high body temperature (above 103°F, orally), red, hot and dry skin (no sweating), Rapid & strong pulse, throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, unconsciousness. If you see any of these signs in somebody exposed to extreme heat seek urgent medical help. In the meantime, get the victim to a shady area. Cool the victim rapidly using whatever methods you can. For example, immerse the victim in a tub of cool water; place the person shower, sponge the person with cool water; or if the humidity is low, wrap the victim in a cool, wet sheet and fan him vigorously. Monitor body temperature, and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101-102°F.

Tips for prevention against any Flu

Tips for prevention against any Flu: The flu is a viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs caused by influenza virus. Most people catch the flu when they breathe in tiny droplets from coughs or sneezes of someone who has the flu. It is also spread when you touch something with the virus on it, and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes. The steps of prevention are the same for Swine flu as any other seasonal flu. Ø   Frequent and thorough hand washing  with soap and water for 10-15 seconds. Ø   Avoiding close contact with people suffering from cold and cough.  Ø   Keeping frequently contact surfaces like phones, door knobs, table surfaces clean with house hold cleaners. Ø   For the person suffering from cold and cough, cover mouth and nose with tissue paper or cloth. Ø   Staying at home when sick, to prevent the infection from spreading. Ø   Avoiding crowded public places. Ø   Having proper adequate diet and water to ...

Soft drinks and dental health

Soft drinks and dental health: The phosphoric acid in carbonated soft drinks can interfere with calcium absorption and weaken teeth. Although phosphoric acid adds a tangy flavor to carbonated beverages, over time it can soften and erode tooth enamel, according to the Academy of General Dentistry. Your saliva helps neutralize acidity, allowing tooth enamel to re-harden, but drinking carbonated drinks regularly may not give the enamel enough time to re-harden. Once the enamel is gone, the inner tooth can be damaged. Foods and beverages with a pH value below 4 can cause tooth erosion. Most of the carbonated soft drinks are having a pH value of less than 4.  

Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis

Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis, sometimes called hardening of the arteries, occurs when sticky fat deposits called plaque adhere to the walls of blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood throughout the body. These deposits limit blood flow and can lead to heart attack or stroke. According to The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute risk factors for developing atherosclerosis include:   Ø   Above-normal amounts of LDL (Bad) cholesterol, low levels of HDL (Good) cholesterol. Ø   Uncontrolled high blood pressure & diabetes. Ø   Smoking and being overweight. Ø   Getting insufficient exercise. Ø   Eating an unhealthy diet. Ø   Getting older. Ø   Having family history of heart disease at young age.

Prevention of Atherosclerosis

Prevention of Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is closely tied to hypertension, high cholesterol, high triglyceride, obesity, as well as diabetes. These diseases are almost totally diet and lifestyle related. Atherosclerosis can cause strokes and heart attacks, which claim thousands of lives in the modern world today. With the potential gravity of the situation and the seriousness of this disease, it makes perfect sense to make prevention the primary weapon. Here are some practical suggestions: Ø   Avoid saturated and trans fats. Ø   Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. Ø   Consume more whole foods, such as whole grains. Ø   Consume more dietary fiber. Ø   Avoid high cholesterol foods; this includes meat and eggs. Ø   Reduce salt intake Ø   Do not smoke. Ø   Maintain healthy weight; if you are overweight or obese, work towards reducing your weight. Ø   Undertake regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercise. Ø   Learn to c...

रक्तदान तथ्य

रक्त की जरूरत के बारे में तथ्य हर साल हमारे देश को रक्त की केवल एक अल्प 40 लाख इकाइयों उपलब्ध हैं जिसमें से खून के बारे में 4 करोड़ यूनिट की आवश्यकता है। रक्त का उपहार जीवन का उपहार है। मानव रक्त का कोई विकल्प नहीं है। हर दो सेकंड किसी रक्त की जरूरत है। 38,000 से अधिक रक्त दान हर दिन की जरूरत है। 30 लाख रक्त घटकों के कुल के लिए हर साल चढ़ाया जाता है। औसत लाल रक्त कोशिका आधान लगभग 3 पिंट है । सबसे अधिक बार अस्पतालों द्वारा अनुरोध ब्लड ग्रुप ओ प्रकार है सिकल सेल रोगियों को अपने जीवन भर में लगातार खून चढ़ाने की आवश्यकता होती है सकते हैं। 1 लाख से अधिक नए लोगों को हर साल कैंसर के साथ का निदान कर रहे हैं। उनमें से कई अपने कीमोथेरेपी उपचार के दौरान , कभी कभी दैनिक,रक्त की आवश्यकता होगी। एक कार दुर्घटना के शिकार रक्त के रूप में कई के रूप में 100 इकाइयों की आवश्यकता होती है सकते हैं। रक्त की आपूर्ति के बारे में तथ्य  यह केवल उदार दाताओं से आ सकता है - रक्त निर्मित नहीं किया जा सकता । " O negative" रक्त (लाल कोशिकाओं) टाइप सभी प्रकार के रक्त के मरीजों को ...

मूत्र असंयम के क्या कारण हो सकता है

पूरी तरह से मूत्राशय , मूत्र असंयम के रूप में जाना जाता हालत को नियंत्रित करने में असमर्थता कई संभावित कारणों और उपचार उपलब्ध हैं। संभावित कारणों में शामिल हैं : ·   ऐसे मूत्रल या हार्मोन रिप्लेसमेंट थेरेपी के रूप में दवा से साइड इफेक्ट । ·          गर्भावस्था या प्रसव के कारण श्रोणि की मांसपेशियो के कमजोर । · रजोनिवृत्ति के दौरान एस्ट्रोजन के निचले स्तर पर । ·    पुराना कब्ज। ·   शराब या कैफीन । · अत्यधिक मोटा होना। · नस को हानि।

A large meal and concentration power

A large meal and concentration power: It is well known that eating a large meal can make you sluggish, but now it appears that it can also decrease your ability to concentrate. Be sure to eat in moderation before any activity where you have to recall information, i.e. making a speech, taking an exam, or working on an intricate project.

Optimism may help protect Heart:

Optimism may help protect Heart: Harvard researchers suggest optimism, happiness and other positive emotions may help protect heart health and lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases . It also appears that these psychological well-being factors slow the progress of cardiovascular disease. The findings are the result of the first and largest systematic review of its kind. They found that people with a sense of well-being are more likely to exercise, follow a balanced diet, and get enough sleep and that more positive well-being was linked to lower blood pressure, healthier blood fat profiles, and normal body weight.

Correct way to eat fruit

Correct way to eat fruit: Eating fruits plays a major role in detoxifying the system, supplying great deal of nutrients and energy for life activities. To avoid bloating and to get maximum benefits it is advised by experts to eat fruits on an empty stomach, or before meal. Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice.

Healthy, Crispy & juicy Watermelon

Healthy, Crispy & juicy Watermelon: Composed 92 % water, it acts as a natural diuretic that cleanses kidney and bladder. Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in electrolytes sodium and potassium that we lose through our perspiration. It is a natural source of most powerful antioxidants provided by nature. It provide healthy amounts of virtually all essential vitamins and minerals, it is also packed with giant dose of glutathione which helps boost our Immune system. It is also key source of Lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. So, nothing can be more satisfactory and healthy on a hot, dusty day than a crisp, juicy slice of watermelon!

Fruits help to ward off vision problems

Fruits help to ward off vision problems: Eating fruit regularly earlier in life may help to prevent macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in older adults, according to a new study. It was found that both men and women who consumed three or more servings of fruit a day had a 36% decreased risk of developing macular degeneration.

First aid steps for heart attack

First aid steps for heart attack: A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that carries oxygen to the heart is blocked. The heart muscle becomes starved for oxygen and begins to die. Following few steps may help. Ø   Do not allow the person to walk as it will strain the heart. Ø   Have the person sit down, rest, and try to keep him calm. Ø   If the person uses and has Tab. Sorbitrate (nitroglycerin) place one tablet under the tongue. Ø   Loosen clothing around the neck, chest, and waist. Ø   Quickly rush the person to hospital since the maximum death takes place within the first hour.

What are the thumb rules for taking care of your heart?

What are the thumb rules for taking care of your heart? Ø   Diet - Less of carbohydrate and oil and more of protein and fruits. Ø   Exercise - Half an hours walk, at least five days a week. Ø   Manage stress. Ø   Quit smoking. Ø   Control weight. Ø   Control blood pressure and sugar. Ø   Avoid sitting continuously for longer period; instead move around for few minutes. Ø   If on medication, take them as advised by treating physician. Ø   Regular Health checkup.

General health care for monsoon

General health care for monsoon: Monsoon is here; to bring the much- awaited relief from the long spell of sultry, scorching summer. However, the refreshing showers also bring along increased susceptibility to a lot of diseases peculiar to monsoon. Follow simple preventive health tips: Ø   Keep your body warm and dry, especially your feet and groin to avoid fungal infection. Ø   Do not stay in wet clothes for too long as it can lead to fungal infection as well as a viral fever and body ache.   Ø   Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Ø   Gastric troubles are common during monsoons. So, make sure you drink either bottled or purified water. Ø   Avoid eating either street food or dining out in unhygienic places. Ø   Keep your home clean and do not allow stagnant water to accumulate around the house. Ø   Wear cotton clothes and loose clothes to keep your body well ventilated. Ø   Do not keep food exposed to air for too long....

Prevention of fungal skin infections

Prevention of fungal skin infections: Fungal skin infections are common during the rainy season for mainly two reasons, firstly the humidity which is occurs during monsoon and secondly the monsoon itself, as people gets wet. Warmth, humidity, sweating, and poor air circulation all help bring about these fungal infections. Simple preventive tips are: Ø   Dry your skin thoroughly after bathing and sweating Ø   Wipe the excess sweat from the body during work. Ø   Wear loose fitting clothes made of cotton. Ø   Alternate pairs of shoes every two or three days to give them time to dry out. Ø   Wash your clothes and bed linen frequently to remove any fungi Ø   Do not wear wet clothes for long duration Ø   Change socks and undergarment daily. Ø   keep your blood sugar under control if you have diabetes  

Role of hand washing in disease prevention

Role of hand washing in disease prevention: Washing hands may seem rather unsophisticated compared to today's medical advances, but it works. Washing your hands reduces the rate of bacterial and viral infections by 40 to 50 % and gastrointestinal infections by 80 %. Frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infectious disease. Best way to wash your hands.. Ø   Wet your hands with clean, running water and apply soap. Ø   Rub your hands together to make lather and scrub them well; be sure to scrub the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Ø   Continue rubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds. Ø   Rinses hands well under running water and dry with a clean towel or air dry them.