Simple tips for relief from cold: In winter it is common to wake up with a scratchy throat and stuffy nose. The old saying "It takes three days to develop a cold, three days to have it, and three days for it to go away," is pretty accurate, so if your cold has lasted longer than around nine days or have high fever it is time to consult your doctor. Here are some simple tips to get relief from cold . Ø Steam inhalation therapy is a simple and effective remedy for sinus congestion, sinus pain, respiratory ailments due to allergies, common cold, influenza and bronchitis. It rids you of any cold bugs hanging out in your nose as well as clearing up your nasal passages. Ø Drink plenty of fluid to keep yourself hydrated. Ø Take adequate rest: Ø Take citrus fruits as they are loaded with vitamin C. Ø Do some light exercise.
Life has its own way to flow. No one can control the flow but one thing we can ensure that our life can be fruitful to other, जीना इसी का नाम है ! I will try to share my small knowledge which I earned over a period of last 40 years with a view that experience and learning will help you some where in your life.