Take Care of Your Digestive System: A healthy body needs to be nourished by nutrients. A healthy digestive system will digest and absorb nutrients effectively. Here are some tips for maintaining healthy digestive system:
Ø Have each meal at regular time - Have each meal more or less at a fixed time; your digestive system will follow the timing to receive food and burn up calories.Ø Eat less but more frequently - When you distribute your food consumption evenly your body get a boost of energy every 3 to 4 hours.
Ø Chew your food - Sit down and eat slowly to chew each mouthful. It will help in digestion and absorption of the food.
Ø Avoid spicy food and fried food - Eating too much fried and spicy food will hurt your digestive system. Avoid taking food that is too hot.
Ø Maintains Hygiene - Make sure that the food is clean so as to avoid food poisoning.
Ø A healthy eating habit - Eat less sugar, salt. Eat sufficient protein and high fiber. Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Ø Maintain oral health - Brush your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed. A proper set of teeth helps to chew food well and allows the stomach to do a proper job.
Ø Manage your emotions - Your negative emotions such as stress will cause you to over eat or eat less.
Ø Exercise - Regular physical activities will enhance the working mechanism of the digestive system.
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