Dark leafy greens are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are great sources of phytonutrients , fiber and the antioxidant vitamins A, C and K, plus lots of other vitamins and minerals, and they are typically low in calories. Keep them in mind as you work toward the new dietary guidelines recommendation to fill half your plate with vegetables at every meal.
Most of us become parents by simple biological process. But more often we are not mentally, physically or emotionally prepared to become good parents. Ideally “GOOD PARENTING” starts from the time couple decides to have a child. The couple should have “ गर्भपूर्व संस्कार “& “ गर्भ संस्कार “ All of us know the story of Abhimanu learning how to enter into “ चक्रव्युव ” while still in mother’s womb. This proves that if the couple & especially the mother are happy throughout her pregnancy the physical & mental development of the child is excellent. Mother should listen to devotional music, should read devotional books to have well ‘’ संस्कार ’’ on the fetus. It has been scientifically proved that the fetus loves Santur & especially राग यमन . When the couple decides to have a child mother should start folic acid tablets which are essential for development of nervous system of the fetus. Similarly, if the relati...
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